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Monday, August 2, 2010

welcome, And I'm like

There's a new blog on the block, something I've been rolling around in my psyche.  Now my husband knows my affiinity for describing the DNA of things or people or my state of mind in my own way, whereby I utter things like,  "This song, this song is like if you took Rocky and Bullwinkle and them strapped them down with a suicide vests and told them they have just 3 minutes to live.  The next three minutes, that would be this song."  My new blog, And I'm like attempts to just let that run loose like the madwoman it was born to be.  Its fun, I promise.  Come join and post what you (or it, whatever the "it" is) is like....


  1. In the world of romance novel writing, such descriptions are called "high concept", a term that conveys just how desired they are. (Wouldn't want to be low concept, now, would we?) Bridget Jones meets Mitford. Jane Austen meets Fight Club. The Sound of Music meets Regency England. If your day job and night hobbies ever get old, I see a bright future for you in romance novels.
