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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Moving to a new hood.

"hood" etymology:  a native English suffix denoting state, condition, character, nature, etc., or a body of persons of a particular character or class

Recently I shuffled my life around to be able to pick up my child from school.  That might not sound like a lot but it involves taking a pay cut (but not a job cut), hauling in a babysitter in the mornings and paying an exorbitant sum just to see the kids off cuz I now start work earlier, and effectively learning what it feels like to actually be with my child at a time when I never usually am.  To observe and be with him at a normal time of day, every day. 

The latter being the biggest change, and because I know I am the remedial Mom who, after being spending my entire motherhood diagnosed with ADHD in the remedial class, was given the basic assessment test again and was grudingly granted furlough, turning me loose on motherhood in a way I have not been before.  Literally, before this my child's exposure to me was maybe 3 hours a day during the work week, and less than an hour of it could've been considered actual attention paid to said child.  Most of the available fuel in the brain trust was spent wildly stomping on the desire to deal with details in lieu of dealing with the big picture at hand (just what in the fuck should I do with this small purple button lying here on the counter? keep it? toss it? what if I need it? I don't know!).  The big picture being so large it was just a blob, and the substance of it...just left me feeling defeated, and so I squinted at the picture instead, and pondered the fate of the button lying randomly on our desk counter for the last three months. 

But on that first day of school at 3:30 I jauntily walked up the street, eyeing other mothers trailing in from all different directions, answering the motherhood siren call.  They stand around unhurried, watching their kids play with each other and talking a bit, before meandering away from school.  They stand in pairs and clusters, in Tory Burch flats and worn expensive jeans, North Face fleeces, sloppy ponytails and modestly makeup'd faces.  Relaxed.  Its a scene, like anything else is a scene.  They are the Motherhood.  I want to fit.  I want to fit purely because I want my child to fit. (Like me?  Well, you'll LOVE my child!)  My child, who doesn't really do playdates because I'm never around.  My child, who doesn't have 6 extracurriculars, in part cuz I feel panicked that the growing stack of unread Sunday New York Times is a taunting detail existing to prove my willful ignorance of the world at large and must be addressed NOW. 

So after weeks of remembering names, trading smiles, proudly standing relaxed in the playyard, with the security in knowing that I too have the ability to leisurely wander away from school when we're ready, I came home to know that I could walk by the stack of mail and not twitch.  And the fucking button, its still there.  And when the requisite tantrum has been thrown by the three year old and the requisite googl requests for treats has passed, I will still have time to go through the homework folder and put something together that some may consider dinner.  These, little tsunami's all, are convincing of the truth of the adage "time heals all wounds", in an unique way.  Motherhood may not be my nature (see etymology above), but it is certainly more my state now than ever.  In this state, the big picture has form, and its substance is scalable.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Other Brain Stylings for No One To Suck On...


carefree and special,
a pretty thing in a cage
the treasured phoenix
its so ugly the way I want you
Trying - for you
Surrendering - for you
just a speck of dust - to you
a bankruptcy of my character or
a way to feel alive
smashed senseless and hallow grooves
and the promise between your legs
soft nectar and sandpaper
I grip the rocks above me and lay a plane, an altar. 


Casings and Ashes

my empathy is convenient
how your latest sorrows complete me
the gust of lenience
a flowing harmony

my tools are inadequate
I cannot say I've studied my craft
but I come to your aid anyhow
casings and ashes in the armory

how your anguish weights my humanity
oh come and dress me in it
I'm so much nobler when I bend and bow.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

(Insert Your Noun Here) Porn

I think the term "porn" is an adjective whose time has cum (yeah, I went there). 

Porn is, as most would see it, something sexy, tantalizing, even forbidden.  As a personal aside, as a class of movies, I've found porn not to do much for me, the longer I watch it, it seems fairly contrived and well, boring, no matter how shocking it gets.  I realize I'm in the minority on this and maybe I haven't been just been exposed to the kind stuff.  But until then, I just don't buy it, and I can't get off on something that doesn't at least seem genuine. 

But I digress, porn can be used as descriptive term, for talking about what you do get off on.  Take, for example, a good masculine jawline on a man, the kind you just want to lick when you see it.  That would be, for all intensive purposes, jaw porn to you.  Let's say you find a really lovely set of hands, long, dexterous, yet strong, maybe that's finger porn.  A particularly red and well formed set of pursed lips - lip porn.  A witty, Good Will Hunting mind?  Brain porn.  Yes, now you've got it. 

What's your favorite kind of porn?

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Loss of a friend, on what would have been her wedding anniversary...

10 years since
an ethereal bouquet
lushly ghosted past
your eager ash grasp

the loud and resounding completion
a tightrope of cannibal circumstance
now bound as matter of fact and plain on this -
a pleasant and bright day.

I miss you still, Heidi.

I Know Why The Caged Bird is Caged -or- Why I'm Writing Here Now

"In the Spanish number the house was electrified.  Everybody sat on the edge of their seat - the drums woke them up.  I thought when drums started it would keep up forever.  I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away.  There was something heroic about it and he could have driven us stark mad, Ravel, if he had wanted to.  But that's not Ravel.  Suddenly, it all died down.  It was as if he remembered, in the midst of his antics, that he had on a cutaway suit.  He arrested himself.  A great mistake, in my humble opinion.  Art consists in going the full length.  If you start with the drums you have to end it with dynamite, or TNT.  Ravel sacrificed something for form, for a vegetable that people must digest before going to bed." - The Tropic Of Cancer, p.76-77.
Henry Miller hit a mark when he observed an error so many of us make - to arrest, to cease, to cut short our efforts.  I suggest this not only applies to making "art", as he wrote, but in life too. 

Behind the authentic, architecturally significant doors of houses on storybook lanes where I live, where housecleaners and nannies come and go, there's people prudently taking pills to rest, prudently taking pills to make them feel less manic, imprudently starting an early happy hour, squirrelling to a secret spot to take a forbidden toke, escaping to tony shopping destinations sizing each other up using a measurement system of the id.  Making shadow puppets of ourselves in our own sparkly sitcom.  Staring in the mirror at ourselves, wondering how we got here. While the heart's deepest wishes, for passion, for naturalness, for meaning, for connection, go hungry.  

This is my giant YAWP!! to the world (nod to Dead Poets Society). I can't promise anything other than honesty and weirdness here on this site.  Wring the same from yourself, dear reader.

If you're out there, if you dare, share your thoughts with me.  I would love to hear them.
What have you sacrificed for form?