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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, Really.

To my legions of readers out there, may you have the happiest of Christmases.  Really, the happiest one EVER.  And why not?  Why save the best for next year? 

The happiest, whereby your feeling of joy surprisingly tumbles out of you, faster than you can identify it. 

The happiest, whereby your contentment is so strong that you feel you need nothing except for the very moment you are living in. 

The happiest, where the things that might ordinarily drive you batshit float on past in a bubble of immunity.

Where you get your very first actual follower of your blog. (grins silly)

Whereby the breaths ghosting from your child's mouth against your neck feels like heaven. 

Where you stay plastered in the hug of a loved one a second longer than normal, long enough for your body to register the thrumming heartbeat of another, their life just a bit closer to yours, and you feel less separate.

Where you find the humor and wonder in being alive. 

The happiest EVER. 

Thanks for reading.

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