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Monday, February 22, 2010

A Shiny Little Reflection of Faith

Well, I thought this was unexpectedly lovely.  It's neither sappy nor prostelytizing.  It just is.  Enjoy.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Situation ~ No. 2

It's the Magical Mystery Tour for felines!  It's a pilot program for mega-harshers graduating from the University of Timothy Leary to learn how to film commercials. 

This makes eating cat food seem so otherworldly and id-releasing that I want to chuff it.  On the other hand, if people see you picking this up at the store now, they're going to know that you're the retro-acid-culture-neo-modern-cheeseball that turned your office into a cat shrine.

Friskies.  The Harry Potter of cat food.